School Community Council (SCC)

Central Community High School has always encouraged parental involvement in the academic progress and overall development of student success. It is our philosophy that a valuable educational experience requires a partnership between home and school. Consistent encouragement and support of the value of education is essential in preparing students to become lifelong learners and productive members of society. We have taken steps to enhance this philosophy and move in a direction that can make the partnership to benefit students even stronger.

A panel of parents and C.C.H.S staff members reviewed our policies and programs in an effort to generate ideas for improving parental involvement. In the fall of 2011, the C.C.H.S School Community Council was created in an effort to include parents and the community in the goals and direction of the school. The belief is that by working together, the parents and the school can create an environment for improved student achievement.

Throughout School Community Council discussions, we have found the level of parental support for Central is strong. Student character, respect, and civility are traits that attest to this point. There is a sense of pride in the school among the students, faculty, and community. We believe the school in general provides leadership for student performance and the members of our staff communicate effectively with parents. We also found that parents would like to see more proactive communication and even greater efforts in support of students.

The SCC is composed of school administrators, faculty members, and a contingent of parents. This council meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month. The goal of these meetings is to generate ideas to develop a series of programs and activities aimed at topics which can assist parents in establishing methods at home that help students succeed. Over the past years, the SCC has hosted Community Education Programs on College Planning and Preparedness, Technological and Digital Safety, Healthy Living and Lifestyles, Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Bullying and Harassment, and a variety of topics. Future programs for the 2020-2021 school year are currently being planned.

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